Dear New Parishioner,
A very warm welcome to you. We are delighted you're becoming part of the Saint John and Saint Mary Parish family.
To help us get to know you, please print and fill out the "New Parishioner Form" below.
In addition to the request for biographical information, please indicate the school grades of all your children and whether they are attending our Religious Education Program.
Please either mail the Registration Form directly to our Parish Office at:
30 Poillon Drive
Chappaqua, New York 10514
Or drop it in the collection during Sunday Mass, or, better still, hand it to one of the priests or deacons after Sunday Mass so we can welcome you personally. The information on the Registrations form is always kept confidential.
In his first letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul tells us that “all of you are Christ’s Body, and each one is a part of it.” The Body of Christ is dependent on every member to do his or her part so that the Body can function properly. I think that you will be pleased to learn that the concept introduction of the automated giving program at Saint John and Saint Mary’s is being welcomed with a positive response. I hope to communicate with every member of our parish so that we can all participate in this new and conscious way of giving. It works!
A reflective gift to Saint John and Saint Mary, one of thought and prayerful consideration, is more valuable than a reflexive offering, even if the latter, spontaneous, gift is larger. By thinking and carefully budgeting your support for the church, you make an ordinary contribution a spiritual reward.
Please support our stewardship effort and support our parish automated giving program, by filling out the form available through the link on the right and dropping it in the collection basket at Mass this Sunday, or you can mail it to the rectory. You may even enroll directly online.
I thank you for your sacrificial giving at Saint John and Saint Mary and I ask that you consider online giving as a way of commitment for our future. Again, welcome. God bless you always and if you need to contact the staff, please feel free to do so.
Rev. Edward O'Halloran
We are truly grateful when you participate