Contact the Parish Office at 914 238 3260 to confirm with both the Priest and office the date and time of your wedding.
Fill out this form and return to our office in order to begin the registration process:
Please also consult these important guidelines to facilitate your wedding countdown:
Here at Saint John and Saint Mary's, marriage is a significant sacrament. You should be aware of the following regulations that we ask you to observe:
The latest time for a wedding is 3 PM on Saturday. There are no Nuptial Masses on Sunday.
If there is a scheduling change for wedding time or date, it must be confirmed by the priest and wedding couple to the Parish Office.
The couple must attend a Marriage Preparation Program (Pre-Cana) approved by the Archdiocese.
Each person MUST obtain a New copy of their Baptismal Certificate. Copies more than six months old are not accepted.
A record of Communion and Confirmation is to be obtained.
Written parental consent is needed for anyone under 21.
If one is a non-Catholic, a clear understanding of the promises made by the Catholic party is to be had. The non-Catholic party is to bring testimony that he/she has never been married. It is most important that you inform the priest from the beginning if there was a previous marriage for either the bride or groom even if that marriage was a civil marriage.
If you move or change your phone number, you should inform us. If we can not get in touch with you for this reason, we will presume the wedding is canceled.
It is expected that you bring the marriage license to the rehearsal.
Marriages are expected to start within five minutes of the scheduled time. NO rice, bird seed or confetti, only bubbles are allowed. Aisle runner (white carpets) are not used in either Church.
Altar flowers must be left in the Church as the decoration for the weekend. All other flowers and decorations must be removed at the end of the wedding.
All fees must be paid when the Wedding Date is Reserved.