Congratulations! The priests, deacons, people and staff of our parish joyfully welcome you and your family at this special time. The Baptism of your child is a wonderful event both in the life of your family and for our parish community. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, your child will receive the life of Christ and become a member of the Roman Catholic Church. We are proud to be part of this important event and happy to assist you as you bring your child to the waters of Baptism.
1. In preparation for your child’s Baptism, we ask both parents to read all the information listed below. Then, phone the Parish Office (914 238 3260) to register in the parish if you have not already done so.
2. Fill out the Baptismal Registration form and bring it to the office along with a copy of your child's birth certificate.5. Godparents: A Godparent is defined as one who promises before God to be a faithful, practicing Catholic role-model for the godchild both now and for the future. Godparents are representatives of the Catholic Community at the Baptism; they are living examples to the child of how life in Christ is lived. And so:
Godparents have to be baptized Catholics who are, at least, 16 years of age, have received the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation and if married, their marriage must be one recognized by the church.
Church Law: only one godparent is required; no more than two are permitted. So, it is customary for parents to choose both a godmother and a godfather.
In certain instances: instead of a second Catholic godparent, a baptized and practicing Christian of certain other Christian communities may stand up for the child as a “Christian Witness.” (People of faith whose religion does not include Baptism – e.g., Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism – are ineligible to sponsor someone for a sacrament they have not themselves received, and therefore, cannot be godparents or sponsors.)